in Family Life
“Successful marriages and families are
established and maintained on principles of faith (and) prayer.”
I like the words “established and
maintained” in the above quote. If you would like to have a successful marriage
and family, and currently don’t feel you have are in this position, you can
“establish” such a marriage and family by living principles of faith and
prayer. Also, you may have a successful marriage and family, however, according
to the Lord the way to maintain success is on principles of faith and prayer.
Here are a couple of perspectives where
faith is strength to marriage and family:
“There’s an old (African) adage, “It takes
a village to raise a child.” Our congregation is the (village) that we have
chosen to focus our energies on… When we work with people, it helps us to keep
our own struggles in a better perspective and they don’t become a burden, just
a part of life…(Also). I personally believe that people are at their happiest
when they’re serving others…Service in the Church…is based on doing things for
other people, (going) outside yourself. – William, Latter-day Saint father of
six (Marks, 2002) (Hawkins, 2012, p.186 Successful Marriages and Families)
“We have disagreements (in our marriage),
we have things we don’t see the same sometimes, and faith is a source of help.
We can pray about things together and the Lord can help us work things out. Sometimes
one person has to give in and accept the other person’s point of view (and) it
helps to be able to pray about things. The Lord, He’s the best counselor you
could ever have. (Dollahite & Marks, 2009, p.381)
It may be hard to prove faith is a tool to
strength families and marriages. It is one of those things you have to try for
yourself. I had the opportunity to use my faith to have assistance while I was
a single mom and I felt guided everyday by the Lord. I was striving to follow
Him and using the Atonement to change and be better. As I chose to believe, I
felt a peace in my heart that extended to all branches of my life. Even now my
faith keeps me focused on the eternities and what matters most.
Life is hard…and we need help to be happy
in life. Having faith in Christ and in His plan will bring strength, peace and
happiness to your life. Faith in Christ will nurture your marriage and your
relationship with your children.
Joseph, a non-denominational Christian
father said this about faith,
“There’s something that…when as a family
your hearts are pointed together toward the same thing, and it’s God, then
parenting and economics and space and food and disagreements and hassles and
joys and celebrations and all that other stuff…it works different, it seems
different, it feels different…Our family is all oriented in the same way.
Christ is King, He’s the center, He’s what it’s all about….Our faith informs
our relationships and everything about us.” (Marks, 2003, p10)
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