Monday, 4 May 2020

Journal Entries 2009

March 2009
I was driving along Woodlands road when something large in the top of a tree caught my eye. It was a big old cat holding on for dear life a the very top of the tree. A couple people stopped and were trying to coax the cat out of the tree. I thought what a crazy cat! Why would it run all the way up there? Doesn't he know how far he ran up? Grant thought he would get down by himself but I wasn't so sure. About 20 min later, I passed by the tree again and the cat was still in the tree. No way he will get down on his own. He is scared and probably convinced himself it would be too hard. I've made quick decisions like the cat before. Maybe he was being chased or he was curious or chasing something.Whatever it was he found himself in a difficult circumstance. He went too far and now needs assistance. The fireman were called and they were able to get the cat out of the tree. We are like the cat, we need assistance when we find ourselves in difficult circumstances whether we created them ourselves or inflicted upon us. The Savior, Jesus Christ, is ready and willing to teach us and guide us to safety. We have a choice like the cat. We can hold on to the very top of the tree and be too afraid or proud to reach out for help or we can humbly be willing to ask for the Master's assistance. Use His Atonement to heal our wounds and help us out of our tree.

June 4th, 2009
Grant and I served at the Mustard Seed for the Telus Volunteer Day. We prepared a meal, took a tour of the facilities, and my job was to handout the cutlery to the patrons. I was a little nervous to be at the start of the line greeting the those so desperately in need, and homeless. After everyone went through the line, some came up again and the team leader said "no seconds". People were still hungry. There was food leftover but the reason why seconds were not offered was there was not enough for seconds for everyone. In the gospel, when we are spiritually hungry the Master feeds us through His spirit, prophets, scriptures, callings. Knowing who the Savior spirit never goes hungry. I can partake of His love, forgiveness, Atonement, mercy and example as much as I want. I can have seconds, thirds, fourths...infinity. I nor anyone will hear the words "no seconds" only the words, "come unto me".

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