Saturday, 30 January 2016

"The Temple is an ever-present reminder that God intends the family to be eternal" - President Benson

Great youth leaders taught me about the importance of the temple. My goal, as a young woman, was to marry in the temple. On January 8th, 2005 my goal became a realization and one year later my three daughters we sealed to my husband and I. Our attitudes and testimonies have a far reach by influencing our family, church family and all those in whom we have contact. Therefore, it is imperative to teach others of the blessings of the temple.

President Benson says, “The temple is an ever-present reminder that God intends the family to be eternal. How fitting it is for mothers and fathers to point to the temple and say to their children, “That is the place where we were married for eternity.” By so doing, the ideal of temple marriage can be instilled within the minds and hearts of your children wile very young. (What I Hope You Would Teach Your Children about the Temple April 1986)

As the definition of marriage and family erodes, it is imperative we teach our children the blessings of the temple. President Benson teaches, “In the peace of these lovely temples, sometimes we find solutions to the serious problems of life. Under the influence of the Spirit, sometimes pure knowledge flows to us there. Temples are places of personal revelation. When I have been weighed down by a problem or a difficulty, I have gone to the House of the Lord with a prayer in my heart for answers. These answers have come in clear and unmistakable ways.” (What I Hope You Would Teach Your Children about the Temple April 1986)

This is what I want to teach my children. I want them to know there is a place where the Lord has designed for us to feel peace in a chaotic world to feel His presence, receive direction and receive their blessings to return to Him.
The temple can strengthen our marriage. No matter what phase we are in or how many months or years we’ve been married we can always improve and draw closer to the Lord together.
Here are the blessings of temple attendance according to President Benson:
  • You will receive the spirit of Elijah, which will turn your hearts to your spouse, to your children, and to your forebears.
  • You will love your family with a deeper love than you have loved before.
  • Your hearts will be turned to your fathers and theirs to you.
  • You will be endowed with power from on high as the Lord has promised.
  • You will receive the key of the knowledge of God. D&C 84:19
You will learn how you can be like Him. Even the power of godliness will be manifest to you. You will be doing a great service to those who have passed to the other side of the veil in order that they might be “judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.” D&C 138:34
These blessings will strengthen us individually, in our marriage and family. Our children must be prepared to make and keep sacred covenants. We as parents can teach them what covenants are and prepare them to make covenants. Children need to be taught to give a 100% just like a companion must give in a covenant marriage (“Covenant Marriage, Elder Bruce C. Hafen 1996).

We teach them by example and by word. We can prepare them to receive the ordinances of the temple, and when appropriate, we should teach them the temptations that will come to each marriage. This is important to do so they will know not to give up, but to work with their companion and the Lord. It is my belief that we do not inform of the reality of relationships, and the work needed to be happy.
Elder Bruce C. Hafen warns of these temptations: “Every marriage is tested repeatedly by three kinds of wolves.”
  1.  “The first wolf is natural adversity.”
  2. “Second, the wolf of their own imperfections will test them.”
  3. “The third wolf is the excessive individualism that has spawned today’s contractual attitudes.”
(“Covenant Marriage, Elder Bruce C. Hafen 1996)

If we know the temptations ahead, we can better strengthen, protect, and recognize the adversary efforts. Elder Bednar says, “ We have been counseled strongly by the First Presidency to devote our best efforts to the strengthening of marriage and the home.” May we each be prayerful in our own circumstance to inquire of the Lord what more we can do to strengthen our marriage and family. (Marriage Is Essential to His Eternal Plan, Elder David A. Bednar, June 2006)

Saturday, 23 January 2016

The Attack on Marriage

How many people in the world know there is an “attack on marriage as a union between a man and a woman”? (Wardle, 2008)
A question important enough to consider since I know what I believe; “The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.” 
If a person knows there is an attack on the family, and the definition of marriage between a man and a woman what should a responsible Christian person do? I was impressed with the account of Moishe the Beadle. A Jew who was arrested and deported by the Nazis, but months later Moishe secretly returned to the village reciting what happened to him, and warning others of the evil arising. He only wanted to be listened to, and warn his friends, and neighbors of the danger of the Gestapo coming to get them. No one listened resulting in many falling to a disastrous fate by the Germans. (Wardle 2008 pg. 1365 -1366)
Moishe was brave, and did all he could to warn his neighbor. I would also like to be a Moishe testifying to others of God’s plan for us, and the purpose and blessings of traditional marriage. “How marriage is defined sends signals to and reflects common understandings about the expectations o the relationship…Legalizing same-sex marriage will drain marriage of social meaning. Marriage links not only men with women, but parents with children. Legalizing same-sex marriage obscures that linkage, weakens the message connecting marriage with spousal and parental responsibility, and guarantees that children will be deprived of an extremely valuable and protective relationship with their father or their mother.” (Wardle The Attack on Marriage, 2008 pg. 1370)
Here are a few of the reasons why I am a protector of the family and marriage between a man and woman:
Marriage between a man and a woman is the “moral core of the family and the moral baseline and standards for society in many ways. Marriage is a society’s cultural infrastructure…In marriage and family, the individual acquires his core kinship identity. Without a soled family identity, many persons struggle and some turn to gangs and extremist movements as a substitute for family identity.” (Wardle The Attack on Marriage, 2008 pg. 1371)
I teach my children truth, and it is in the home where we, as parents, can influence our children for good. We lead by example as we keep our covenants, and live a virtuous life. “Marriage cultivates a morality of love and sacrifice. In conjugal marriage we learn through practice to subordinate self-interest to service, to sacrifice for the welfare of other, to nurture, give, and express love, to forgive and be one with another.” (Wardle The Attack on Marriage, 2008 pg. 1372)
“…when marriages fail, society must pick up the pieces and the public incurs social costs such as for increased mental health treatment, medical services, juvenile delinquency, impaired education, and reduced labor productivity.” (Wardle The Attack on Marriage, 2008 pg. 1370)
“Marriage is sacred and was ordained of God from before the foundation of the world. Jesus Christ affirmed the divine origins of marriage: “Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?”(The Divine Institution of Marriage pg 3) The Savior himself testifies to each of us what marriage is, and it sacred purpose.
In July, 2005, Alberta passed the law allowing same-sex marriages. I have witnessed the definition of marriage degraded, the desensitization of youth, citizens, and a corrupt educational system. Government recently passed a policy where same-sex marriage, homosexuality, transgender choosing is taught in our public educational system. Government has also passed policy for the washrooms to be open to transgender students meaning a boy can use the girls’ washroom, and vice versa. Changing rooms are also unisex. Parents and concerned citizens are now trying to rally together, however, this policy passed without knowledge or voting from the people. This is another way how our children become vulnerable to gender confusion, and the true meaning of marriage.
It is overwhelming to see drastic change happen so quickly. Almost twenty years ago, The Family: A Proclamation To The World was issued to the entire world. At first I thought it was a nice declaration, and now I know it was given for a purpose. It is our responsibility to be courageous and stand for truth. Our voice counts. We must have our testimonies rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and kindly express our stand on marriage and family. The Proclamation is a standard for us to learn and teach correct principles, and to teach our children in the home our Heavenly Father’s will. “Strong, stable families, headed by a father and mother, are the anchor of society.” ?”(The Divine Institution of Marriage pg 12)
President Monson says, “we need courage—“the courage to say no, the courage to say yes. Decisions do determine destiny.” (April 2015 President Monson Calls for Courage)
May we have the courage to get informed, and act as a disciple of Christ to defend family and marriage.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Choose Marriage

This week I learned how to strengthen my marriage by reading an article called "Divorce" by Elder Dallin H. Oaks.

Elder Oaks talks about the importance of marriage, and the affects of divorce with powerful suggestions on how to strengthen your marriage. It's easy to only think of your own challenges, and neglect the needs ofyour spouse and family. Marriage takes work. 

Elder Russell M. Nelson says, "Energy is always required to provide lift over opposing forces. These same laws apply in our personal lives. Whenever an undertaking is begun, both the energy and the will to endure are essential." Endure and Be Lifted Up, April 1997 

Although marriage is between a man and woman, marriage itself affects the quality of the family. 

Elder Oaks counsels to think of the children.

Think first of the children. Because divorce separates the interests of children from the interests of their parents, children are its first victims. Scholars of family life tell us that the most important cause of the current decline in the well-being of children is the current weakening of marriage, because family instability decreases parental investment in children.” (Divorce, April 2007, Elder Dallin H. Oaks)

Adults have a tendency to get self-absorbed in their own problems, and forget or neglect the needs of their children. A life, marriage or family centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ assists us to love, serve and have charity for each other. Considering others feelings before our own prideful motives makes for a happier environment in the home. Contentious feelings break communication, and leave a tense feeling in the home making it difficult to feel or be influenced by the spirit.

It takes desire, work and selflessness to change and improve your views on marriage if you have experienced divorce.  The Lord can tutor us to avoid divorce, especially if we chose to make and keep covenants.

 Elder Oaks gives straightforward counsel on what we can do to strengthen our marriages:

Don’t treasure up past wrongs, reprocessing them again and again. In a marriage relationship, festering is destructive; forgiving is divine (see D&C 64:9–10). Plead for the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord to forgive wrongs (as President Faust has just taught us so beautifully), to overcome faults, and to strengthen relationships.” (Divorce, April 2007, Elder Dallin H. Oaks)

Remember no one is perfect. Work together to build a loving marriage. The forgiving part is key. "A good marriage does not require a perfect man or a perfect woman. It only requires a man and a woman committed to strive together toward perfection."(Divorce, April 2007, Elder Dallin H. Oaks)
The Savior set the perfect example of “thy will be done” and this attitude should be considered when we want our own way. Tackling our pride ensures a gentle voice, invites the spirit, kindles kindness, and communication progresses.