There have been a few things that have happened lately that I would like to keep in my memories.
March 10th, 2018 Grant & I served in the temple early Saturday morning and I had a special experience. There was a live sealing and I noticed the name Fairburn on the agenda. I wondered if there was any relation to Shanelle Fairburn from my family ward. The temple was busy, and I was coming down the stairs of the temple, and noticed the guest for the wedding were being gathered in the main entrance below the stairway, and as I am approaching the area, I see Shanelle. Tears were in both of our eyes, and I embraced her in a hug. She lost her husband Kurt to ALS, and I lost my Mom to ALS, and we have this bond that is difficult to describe. We can relate to each other and the care we gave our loved ones. The tender mercy is.....I could have been anywhere in the temple, however, right in that moment I was where I needed to be. The Lord is aware of us, and the connections we have with others. He knows when we need a hug, and reaffirms to us that we are His children, and He loves us.
March 30th, 2018 Good Friday - Grant and I attended a sealing of a temple worker who worked on our shift. Britney Peters is a YSA sister who served on Saturday mornings for a few months. She is so sweet, full of life. I only knew her a short while and was surprised when she asked me for my address to send a wedding invitation. I was also surprised to get an invite to the sealing. She texted me to ask if I was able to go, and I felt like I needed to so I replied we would be at the sealing. So, Friday we went, and when we waiting in the waiting area of the temple we did not know one person. A bit awkward, but I was looking forward to it. As we sat in the sealing room, I watched her and her about to be husband come into the sealing room. Lots of us were seated, and we were at the back. A couple of times when the sealer was speaking I glanced over to Britney, and our eyes linked and we smiled at each other. What a beautiful sealing. Upon leaving the sealing room we were given the opportunity to congratulate Britney & Josh. In the receiving line, her mother asked me who I was and said are you sister Sandstrom? Which goes to show you that I didn't know her, and I replied I'm Sister Sikstrom and she said oh Britney really wanted you to come. Next I hugged the Bride and told her I loved her. She was so touched that I was there and began to weep putting her hands over her face. How sweet, and I hugged her husband with congratulations and we left. I was taken back at her reaction, and Grant said I broke the Bride! taught me that we don't know how we impact others. If we love others and are kind, we can make a big difference in their life without knowing. I'm grateful to the Lord for allowing me to have this experience, and to have a more determination to extend kindness and meekness to everyone. Lots of improvement moving forward, and thankful for this experience.